How we are making a difference..."2006"
See the "goals" page to hear about the exciting progress that has been made this past year!
LPOF founders have just returned from Africa.
For more on their trip and news from the orphanage See Below or visit the What's New page.

At The Orphanage

Until now the orphanage has subsisted on irregular private donations from various parties, and after the initial farm and buildings were purchased, food became the financial priority. Lesser items, (shoes for example), are not always affordable, and it is LPOF’s intention to remove this instability. With organized, reliable funding, not only will all the children’s needs be provided, but the safe expansion of the orphanage’s reach will be a reality. By year’s end, we anticipate supporting over a hundred children at the orphanage.

Children at the orphanage now with a safe place to sleep and clean clothes to wear.
Now with a safe place to sleep and clean clothes to wear.

LPOF founders visit Africa. More about their trip can be found on the What's New page.

"We saw more funeral processions today that I would see in a year in Seattle. The funeral processions are quite different though. Everyone climbs in the back of a large truck with railings. Some times there is one truck and other times you will see a couple trucks in a row just jammed with people. When you read the bios of the boys at the Lazarus Project of their family history about what caused them to live on the street, most of them say both parents died of suspected HIV/Aids and then they went to live with an aunt who also died of suspected HIV/Aids. After that they went to live with their grandparents who had little or no food so they would move out into the streets. Today, I saw children laying on the street and was told that was common. The kids will sniff glue to dull their brains till they pass out just to take away the hunger pains. They beg for the Lazarus Project to take them in."

From Laurie's e-mail on March 29th, 2004.

sleeping on the street
Orphans sleeping on the street in Zambia, Africa.
Boy on the street
Asking to go to the Lazarus Project Orphanage.
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